Thursday, 10 August 2017

A Few Things To Know About Cardboard Packaging

No matter what product you manufacture and ship, you may have to use cardboard boxes to ensure its safety during the supply chain. In this article, we will discuss some lesser-known facts about cardboard packaging.

Cardboard was invented by mistake

In 1879, an employee working at a paper factory in New York started the paper-producing unit without noticing that the printing rule was higher than usual. He then cut thousands of seed bags instead of folding them. The owner Robert Gair realized that changing the height of sharp blades helped him achieve an entirely different result. After this accident, he noticed that cutting and folding cardboard could allow him to create prefabricated boxes. At that time, making boxes was thought to be a complex process, which required time and money.

Thanks to this unintentional invention, we can purchase high-quality packaging boxes without paying too much.

A cereal box is actually inside out

The first cereal boxes had their waxed side inside rather than outside. Kellog’s in 1850 was the first one to use cardboard boxes instead of wooden boxes for large-scale packaging and distribution.

Cardboard invokes emotions and expectations

It is a well-known fact that tearing a cardboard box is an exciting experience. The concept of the unboxing experience is the most undeniable proof of it. You may wonder why it is so. These boxes usually take some time to open. During the process, they tend to create a feeling of expectation and interest. This idea convinced advertising companies to use cardboard as a way to promote products and brands. If you are using cardboard boxes, you may know that these boxes allow you to print your business logo and product information without putting in too much effort. In most cases, a well-designed cardboard box instills loyalty in consumers.

Cardboard for creative activity

Give a cardboard box to a child and watch him turn into something interesting. For a child, a cardboard box is a material that can be turned into a spaceship, a racing car, or a submarine. Several studies show that children, who use cardboard to create different objects, are more creative than the ones who do not get these boxes to play with. Having that said, these boxes can be used as educative material too.

Cardboard packaging as a work of art

The first cardboard was created to transport moths and silkworm eggs from one place to another. The modern-day cardboard boxes are more versatile, thanks to the modern technology used in the production. This evolution has also resulted in companies opting for more creative ways to make cardboard boxes. Now, each type of cardboard box is up for a specific packaging application. Adding an artistic touch to it can build a greater customer experience.


It wouldn’t be wrong to say that shipping wouldn’t have been possible if there were no cardboard. This material is ideal for product packaging at any layer you speak of.

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